Andaman and Nicobar Island India |
Women travelers in India |
Although India is a beautiful country with friendly people, there are many things that women coming from other countries take for granted, about safety issues. As you come out of the airport on landing, you are on a new adventure! So, before you plan your vacation in India, check out these essential tips:
1. It is better to ask for directions and take a prepaid taxi or even a radio cab from one of the registered counters inside the airport.
2. It would also make sense to do an online search for hotels and places to stay before packing your bags.
3. Some of the hotels may seem a little sleazy so stay away. It is better to shell out a little more money, that get into hassles later.
4. Stay away from lonely places after the sun sets. A lot of unsocial elements hang around such places and chances of crimes go up.
5. Do not carry your passport and valuables in a carry bag but wear it next to your skin. So, just in case, your bag gets stolen, your passport is with you. There can be nothing worse than losing your passport in a foreign country.
6. It is also better to divide your money into different places and never carry more than a few dollars/ euros in your wallet.
7. Keep a copy of all your important documents and phone numbers especially of your country’s embassy, with you in case of any emergency.
8. Carry your medicines and list of the generic names of the medicines, in case you need to buy more in India.
9. Instead of keeping a lot of cash, carry traveler’s checks.
10. Be alert in crowds and market places as chances of pick pocketing are high.
-If you are being followed in the corridor as you walk to your room, don't stop at your door. Pass your room and wait to see if the person enters their own room.
-For added security at night, wedge a rubber door stop under the door.
-Put a business address, not your home address on your luggage.
-Do not travel with diamond studs, pearls or other expensive jewelry. Wear costume jewelry instead. If you wear a diamond wedding ring, turn the diamond inside so it is not visible.
-Leave a masculine item, such as a shaving kit, in your rental car so potential criminals think the car is being driven by a man.
-Ask for a hotel room near the elevator as opposed to way down a long corridor.
-Try to avoid entering an elevator with a strange man, especially late at night or while weighed down with a lot of luggage or packages.
-If the lighting on your hotel floor is dim, ask for a room on a better lit floor.
-Ask a security guard for an escort to the parking lot.
Some western habits are perceived as inappropriate and degrading if practiced by women here. Here are some more tips for women in India:
A/Don't wear revealing clothes while in India. They do not appeal to Indian sensibilities. You will attract unwanted attraction and advances if you are wearing skimpy outfits.
B/Apart from the big cities, touching between people of the opposite sex in public is very unusual. Even married couples avoid any display of affection publicly. It will be better if you do not shake hands with a person of the opposite sex unless the other person extends his/her hand first. Among Hindus, the way to greet is by bring your palms together in front of your chest, or simply saying 'Namaste'. You can say Hello or Hi also. But some old people may not appreciate it.
C/Smoking by a woman is not acceptable anywhere in India, except for the metro cities. A woman who smokes/drinks is thought to be having a loose moral character, especially amongst the middle class.
D/Discos, dance clubs, pubs, 5-star hotels are areas with a modern touch. You can easily head there for some entertainment or for drinks. However, having a male companion or at least another female with you is quite a good idea.
E/Even at beaches, the people here are fully clothed. First find out what kind of attire is appropriate for the beach you are heading to. In some places like Goa, the visitors to beach mainly consist of foreigners. There, you may wear swimsuits on the beach. However, even there it is inappropriate to roam about dressed in swimwear away from the beach.
F/In local trains, some cars reserved only for women. It is advised for you to travel in those.
G/It is better not to venture outside in a street party. Street parties on holidays generally don't consist of women. Inebriated men are seen partying at such occasions. Women, in these parties, can be subjected to groping and sexually aggressive behavior from the inebriated males. It is very unsafe for women to attend these festivities alone.
H/Avoid talking in a friendly manner with men you meet in buses, trains, restaurants, shopping places, etc. It may be viewed as a flirtation. It may also lead to unwanted and unexpected sexual advances. However, befriending Indian women can be a wonderful experience for female travelers. But, you may have to start the conversation.
I/A way to get more respect from Indians is to wear traditional Indian clothes, such as
salwaar kameez or sari.Do not venture in isolated places alone. It is also advised not to go outside alone after it is very late and dark.
(Pictures except that of Andaman and Nicobar, courtesy
Despite everything, Mystic and exotic India will capture your heart.