Our journey to Dharmapuri from Bangalore
Statue on the way
Awesome Hogenakkal Falls
Boating on Crocale to falls
We decided to go to Hogenakkal Waterfalls and the only natural spa on the land! Unbelievable? Isn't it??
Hogenakkal Waterfalls, known as the 'Niagara' falls of India, are not a single waterfall but a series of falls and they offer a promising holiday destination for nature lovers from within and outside the country. Hogenakkal is considered as one of the most beautiful places in the state. The broad stream of the River Kaveri gets forked at this point, forming an island from where one stream continues on while the other plunges into a deep chasm to create one of the loveliest waterfalls, giving these rocks the name Hogenakkal which means "smoking rock".
There are three ways you can go to Hogenakkal from Bangalore-Hosur.First: Krishnagiri-Dharmapuri-Pennagaram.Second: via Roayakkottai-Palakkod-Pennagaram and Third: via Denkanikottai. We took the Dharmapuri route. From Bangalore to Hosur and then we traveld by the highway to Dharmapuri. Once we reached Dharmapuri junction, turned right to the road going to Hoganekkal. The route will cross Pennagaram 15km before Hogenakkal. On the way saw many beautiful Ayyanaar statues.
on reaching Hogenakkal, we went straight for the Falls. We reached After crossing the bridge, into a rocky area before we crossed the water to get into the main falls area. There was an observation tower from where we could see the falls. But the real treat was to get into the crocale and get near the falls. Crocale ride was the main attraction at Hogenakkal. It was a circular boat made of bamboo sheets, covered with plastic sheets and sealed with tar. Little scary? But people said it is very safe, so we took it. The view of the rocks and water fall was fantastic. The water flows between the high rocks for almost a Kilometer. The height is not much. But the density of the water and the force is quite high. My goodness! What an experience!
There are a few specialties inter twined with Hogenakkal. One is the Ayurvedic Massage. There are several masseurs along the pathway that leads to the falls, but mainly men. It’s hard to find women masseurs. There’s an overall herbal aroma all over the place. But the problem is, with all these massage oils all together have made the rocks and water pretty much oily. The water at the falls is great but as it flows down as a river, it’s oily.
The second specialty is the Parisil or Bamboo coracle that takes the visitors right under the falls for a good drench. The shrieks of the tourists with adrenalin rush of being just below the water falls was quite audible from above the rocks. Unfortunately we couldn’t venture into it as we were just 3 and couldn’t leave our cameras and other valuables anywhere.
The third: The terrain was quite rocky and it was almost a good trek on those rocks
Oil massage
Next we enjoyed world's only natural spa on rocks with water splashing! I don't think this kind of exotic experience anybody can get anywhere in the World!!
We stayed at Hotel Tamil Nadu, a reasonably good hotel. The food was fantastic for non vegetarians, specially for those who are fish eaters. However, you do get vegetarian food.
Next day early morning. we returned back to Bangalore with incredible memories of Hogenakkal Falls.Read more on amazing waterfalls:HereHOW TO REACH:
To Hogenakkal:
From Dharmapuri: 42 kmTo Hogenakkal:
From Dharmapuri: 42 km
From Salem: 85 km
From Bangalore : 143 km
From Mysore: 194 km
From Kovai: 211 kmWHERE TO STAY
• The Tourist Bungalow run by the Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation
• Hotel Tamil Nadu
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