A typical Indian City Road |
Virgin boss Richard Branson plays a traditional dholak while sitting on top of a taxi in Mumbai
Branson celebrating driving success
To all friends and foes
Driving on the Indian Roads-
Nobody will ever overtake you again. Not in life. Not on the road.
Remember, there are NO RULES for animals or children1. In a road accident, the one with the cheaper vehicle wins by default. If a BMW hits a rickshaw, it must be the fault of the rich brat most likely on cocaine.
2. It is perfectly acceptable to instantly go across 3 lanes if you suddenly remember that you need to take a right turn. What else will you do?
3. Drunk driving is fine, as long as you don’t hit or kill a man and have the connections.
4. If at an intersection you fail to move within a second of the light turning green, the person behind has the right to overtake and pass you.
5. Backing down halfway from flyovers is acceptable.
6. If going wrong side saves you anything more than 200m worth of distance, then it may be accepted. There is no limit or rule for Rickshaws and Bicycles.
7. No rules apply to motorbikes, really. Take your entire family on it. You can overtake from any side. Drive on the road, on the pavement. zigzagging close to people sitting or sleeping ,
it is all ok.
Take entire family on bike |
8. When in doubt, use the horn.
Be liberal with it. There is nothing like "Noise or Sound Pollution"
Be liberal with horn |
A must see video!
Incredible motorbyke riding in India...Ha..Ha...haaa
Now some serious tips
- Be careful while driving in any city. India is no exception.
- Stay alert at all times. Whenever your foot is not on the accelerator, it should be resting on the brake.
- Read your insurance completely and understand it well.
- Be aware that it is not uncommon to find drunk drivers after 10 PM
- Remember that there are all sorts of vehicles on Indian roads such as bullock carts, cycles, rickshaws, three-wheeler, cars, SUVs, trucks, buses, etc. There are no separate lanes for slower moving vehicles so be prepared to drive slowly.
- Learn that a marriage party, minister or religious processions are regular and can hold up traffic. Don't be shy in taking alternative routes in such situations, like driving on the side unpaved road (if it's there) or cutting the traffic like others.
- When driving to a small town or rural village, roads will be too thin for two lanes. Therefore, traffic coming in the other direction will have to travel on the same path as you. When a car is coming towards you, move to the LEFT so that you are only taking up half the road. It's ok if the left side of your car isn't on the road.
- Remember that in case of an accident, if the situation gets out of hand then call the cops immediately. This will save you from getting a beating from the public.
- If you forget what I have mentioned above, just follow one of the taxi drivers. They have mastered the art of driving on pure instinct.
Driving should be fun-Just drive like no one’s waiting back home
.Read these road signs while driving and enjoy!

Based on:
http://amreekandesi.com/2011/06/16/10-rules-for-driving-on-indian-roads/for a comprehensive review of defensive driving techniques:Contact: